Offshore wind for Biobío

Our mission is to build an offshore wind industry that supports a just transition, positive social impact and sustainable development.

What we are doing

We are passionate about unlocking offshore wind in Chile, to support a new industry and secure jobs for future generations.

We are listening to and engaging with the community, government, industry and other stakeholders to create Viento Azul Biobio, a proposed commercial scale offshore wind farm located in the waters off the Biobío region of Chile.

The Bay of San Vicente. Photo: Viento Azul Biobío.

Map of Chile with the Biobío region highlighted

Why Offshore Wind in Biobío?

  • High-capacity factor wind resource with potential to help decarbonise night-block power generation

  • Proximity to electricity demand centres

  • Best in class ports in Latin America

  • Second largest industrial hub in Chile

  • Synergies with the retirement of coal power plants

  • Strong existing electrical infrastructure

  • High-potential for green industry growth

  • Internationally recognised centre for academic excellence